A shuttle can carry one Marine or cargo unit.

When using Transporters, the ship will have Shields 0 in the fire arc to which the transporters are being used. Romulans cannot use Plasma Carronades – sorry guys, but your plasma launchers just aren’t built that way! Tractored ships may not use the Engage Cloaking Device! Special Action. With the damage spread around the entire target ship, no rolls are made to see if the weapon penetrates Shields. Apply modifiers (such as long range) to the Attack Dice as normal. At greater ranges, it will require Attack Dicerolls as normal. A weapon with this trait will automatically hit a target within 18”, without rolling any Attack Dice. Seeking: Seeking weapons must travel across space to their target but will doggedly pursue it until they impact and explode with deadly effect. Remove the Lumbering trait and delete all references to it from the rest of the rulebook. The Immobile and Slow traits should be in italics as they can never be lost for any reason. If the ship runs out of ammunition while using the Anti-Drone trait, it may continue to use the Plasma-D torpedo during the battle but will need reloading first. When finished, the Plasma-D torpedo will require reloading. Plasma-D Torpedo: If a ship has not used a loaded Plasma-D torpedo in a turn and is attacked by enemy drones, it may choose to forego any firing of the Plasma-D in that turn and instead gain the Anti-Drone trait with a score equal to the number of Plasma-D torpedoes it is dedicating to this duty. No more than three ships may attack any single target with Drones in a turn. Drone: Drones can only use a limited number of control frequencies when tracking their targets. Errata A CALL TO ARMS This document contains all official updates to A Call to Arms: Star Fleet and will be repeated in all reprints of the rulebook.