At the beginning of the story, he’s ordered to deploy to a German city named Isenstadt that is occupied by the Nazis. Blazkowicz is a Polish-American spy who acts as a one-man army on behalf of the Allied Powers in the Second World War. In this alternate history, players must use everything they have while engaging in a high-stakes struggle to defeat the megalomaniacal denizens of the Third Reich.Set in 1945, "Wolfenstein" puts the player in the shoes of William Joseph “B.J.” Blazkowicz, the common protagonist of the series. It’s a classic among first-person shooter video games that takes players through intense combat and paranormal encounters. The game was developed by Raven Software and published by Activision as a sequel to the 2001 game "Return to Castle Wolfenstein (RTCW)." "Wolfenstein" takes the player into battle against hordes of Nazis seeking to dominate the world.

As the eighth installment in the popular "Wolfenstein" series of video games, this version had a release date of 2009. Report for duty in the Allied Forces and engage in the brutal combat of World War II with "Wolfenstein" for PC.